The Jersey Shore is a unique attraction unlike any other. That’s why we offer local merchants the unique ability to tow aerial banners above the shore.
Paramount Advertising is one of those rare family-owned businesses that have endured for generations. We are an adventuresome crew that have helped to boost the profile of one of the most popular destinations in the U.S. for summertime fun.
It’s true this uniquely special tourist destination has had its challenges following the massive disruption of Hurricane Sandy in 2012. However, this region is also unique in the way its people and merchants pulled together during that once-in-a-generation storm.
With a “go-get-’em” community spirit, Paramount Advertising has towed aerial banners through the skies above the Jersey Shore for many years, helping local merchants access a unique form of marketing exposure.
Aerial advertising is a truly unique marketing tool that never goes out of style and always can be counted on to attract the attention of beach goers. Our family-owned business has persevered for generations, surmounting life’s ups and downs while creating a unique marketing option for local merchants.
Many years ago — long before one spinning storm brought a whole community together —-the founders of Paramount Advertising had a vision for helping businesses prosper along the shore. Today we stand ready to help you promote your business this summer season with an aerial advertising campaign. Take a closer look at a unique way to boost your business this year.